I'm assessing all my small steps. Had some setbacks, but I'm grateful for what I've been able to do.

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Those small steps add up. Just like any journey, it starts one step and a time, and suddenly you look behind you and realized you've walked a few miles!

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How much longer will/can Musk & Trump's bromance last?

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Plus, doesn’t Musk require 40 hours in person for all Tesla employees? Which he’s clearly not following by hanging out at MAL all day.

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Your example has definitely made me rethink my own relationship to food, so what you are doing is working. And, I’m right there with you on working to create the world we want vs. reacting to everything the incoming administration will throw at us. I’ve seriously cut back my news intake as a start.

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Thank you, Marianna. That means a lot! And yes, I think a restricted news diet is a good idea right now.

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Excellent take! We're on board with you 100%

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Thank you, Khalid!

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Get a real life - as before we had Fast Food, what did we have for workers and esp. professionals who labored for more than a mere 8 hours a day was exactly what? Problem remains as with eating inside the household, Congress let the FDA and Agricultural giants buy out all of the family farms that once fed the world just not us. Investments as in anything that can be sold had be bought and its profits extracted as stock while the farms are allowed to use cheaper means to fallow the ground in between seasons, fertilize so one cash crop that is with more is grown every year, and we elect those who grew rich while in office rather than before assuming office. We got the government and the food we deserve.

Add free will - as no one is forcing you to eat fast food as you can pack a lunch or cook your own meals (meaning no frozen prepared foods).

And we can add the false fglag advertisements and health care SMEs who make such nonsense claims as in the use of olive oil will reduce your fat intake (having a native Italian wife and home in Sicily says we laugh at the wanna-be Italian-Americans for such food propaganda.

So whether trump and his team eats McDonald of not onboard his airplane has little to do with resetting our priorities and values as Americans vice some New World Order socialists who thinks inside every foreigner is an American dying to crawl out.

Selling our farms to China - explain. Financing another virus as Falci did for COVID - explain.

And for those who do not work in the real world as I have and those who never served their country, anti-Trumpers get your minds purged of the pure nonsense you have been fed.

One with an IQ above bean dip can stroll the super markets, gas pumps, and anything tied to energy costs while the rest of use who travel the world in real professions (in my case, before retiring as a naval aviation officer, 24 years in two wars, 8.5 as an advisor in Arabia, and not back to here) and have homes in the EU (can do if you are a hard and smart worker), the US sucks under the last two Democrats who financed our enemy, Iran, that injured and killed my comrades, in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, allowed Russia to invade the Ukraine in 2014, and actually broke the very regulations, policies and laws they accused their political postilion of - a restricted news diet is already in works as your liberal loons networks who have lost money entertaining the worst of us who do the least for this country have spun off their news outlets.

As a leader of far more people in life and death struggles most of you have never faced or will, leadership is not about making you feel good about yourself doing or thinking about stupid things.

And I prefer to see a real person, not some political careerist act or a Hollywood script reader, but man like the rest of us, flaws and all, but who says what he means, and as in the last term of office kept all of his promised in the first year (aside from the wall funding, but then the south of the border nations stemmed the illegals flow).

So food is one on many problems as being sled-sufficient as we were once before Democrats sold off our medical industry, farms, alternative energy (we funded Chins for those Green Day solar cells and batteries), and add the embolden barbarians and adversaries escalating their violence and waging of war before Trump again puts them on notice that the days of un-American cowardliness and paying tributes and allowing their trade and economies to go untouched (as the UN is useless in its original intent and purpose), the threat of another Democratic Party spawned world war is a reality that one should be more afraid and angry of than some additives, sitar, salt and dyes in your fast food you elected to eat.

The incoming administration is not the problem as much as those who think that they are. Unless you like being a loser and not competitive in a world as it is as no Republic lasts long with out citizen soldiers and a working middle class that knows when its Government is buying them off with.

The election is evidence what the majority of the Americans have said ... enough is enough.

And for me with family at our overseas home things are just as bad since the Democrats starting with Obama took this nation down a dangerous road that killed far more off than we who serve. It killed American common sense.

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