I am glad you posted this, Heath. I had decided to follow this plan even before reading this post. The last 2 weeks have been rough for me, particularly after the election.

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Thanks Aunt Figs- I'm glad it was helpful!

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Great post, thanks heath

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Thanks Jesse!

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Love this. Great advice!

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Thank you Karen!

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Disgusting article by one who is ignorant of the Democratic Party’s history prior to both world wars. As a retired military officer of two wars, it was your Obama and Biden who funded Iran that killed or injured my comrades in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Who weaponized the FBI and IRS-Obama. Who colluded with Russia in the Boeing and Uranium One deals - Senator Hillary. Who illegally funded 3 Russian and 1 British foreign agent in what was campaign criminality against Trump, and after he was elected President, was crimes under the Espionage Act - Hillary and Obama. Add the Classified Material crimes by Senator Biden later VP, and Hillary - the fascists as in 1932 are those supporting the Big Lie this article represents the proof that repeating a lie long enough sways those of lower intellect as it did to the socialists of the NSDAP - the Nazis. 24 years thru enlisted and officer ranks in 24 years, 8.5 years after as an in-country military advisor in Arabia, returning here as a defense engineer with access to material since 1974 days the truth is not this piece, but a real Twilight Zone of rational patriotism that the election outcome proved most Americans have common sense and not left wing sedition for the rights and the country you all don’t deserve and most never served. Sorry but with homes here and in Italy, you and your media zombies refuse to tell Americans how even in this Republic, their leader, a lady is of the same cut and determination and policies as Trump. As I have changed 5 of your kind to date to appear with evidence before an arbitration board to dispute my claims, I leave this author and her followers in shame. One look at the families at the markets or at world nearing another world war is proof enough of what is truth and what is a lie. Aside from my IQ of 147, documented and ranked number one in every military promotion cycle, lauded by my Egyptian and Saudi friends, and my immigrant family who fought and fled from the Soviet socialists to become upper middle class professionals here in a single generation, the reason I left this sick Democratic Party during the Nam remains the same. Idealists always think of themselves as superior while degrading if not harming those of a different political mindset that I spent decades fighting against to come home to just the same insanity that has permeated mobs that destroyed Rome and now its modern day reflection in the United States. Shame on all, men and women being equals, for not going you duty to protect the very things you have helped to degrade if not eliminate. Facts - not one E.O., regulation, policy or law attacked Trump’s opposition. For those of us in positions of public trust with above TS clearance for decades, who work and live under the very rules your leaders have violated, time to reconsider what your lives would be without fear and freedom you take for granted by backing n oligarchy of truly rich elitists in bed with foreign interests that line their pockets while in office as opposed to those of us before assuming such leadership positions. 1984 - read and heed … as Nietzsche correctly observed in the two kinds of men, you’re not the ones locked by lightning that our founding fathers were in their understanding of world history and the evil that most men do without a moral compass.

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