Willoughby Hills
Willoughby Hills with Heath Racela
83. NPR Reporter and Anchor Arun Rath (Quarantine Creatives)

83. NPR Reporter and Anchor Arun Rath (Quarantine Creatives)

Arun Rath has worked in many roles across public media during his career, including as a producer, reporter, editor, and these days as an on-air anchor.  He joins Heath to discuss hosting GBH's All Things Considered and his local pandemic show In It Together, broadcasting from his basement for more than a year, and his candid thoughts on the future of public media.  

This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit heathracela.substack.com

Willoughby Hills
Willoughby Hills with Heath Racela
Quarantine Creatives is now Willoughby Hills. Join TV producer/director Heath Racela as he chats with interesting guests with unique perspectives on our ever evolving relationships to work, home, community, culture, food, the environment, and more.