I agree completely with this one. I actually carry trash bags and a small pick stick in my car at all times. When I'm out and about, and find myself idle, I look around and see what I can clean up outside. When I had a house In Millis, I used to regularly go out and pick trash along my street, hi-vis vest and all. The most common items I was picking up were those little "fireball" whisky nips, and fast food containers. For the longest time I wondered why I was seeing such an inordinate amount of those fireball nip bottles on the side of the road, and then someone who had more life experience then I told me because its so intensely flavored with cinnamon spice, its hard to detect the odor of alcohol on someones breath. That intel made me sad, because it meant people are drinking and driving, and they feel the need to also "get rid of the evidence" out the car window before they get to work/home. Thanks for highlighting this issue! It's absolutely something we all need to be mindful of.

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Thanks for sharing your inspiring story, Rob! It sounds like your a pro at litter clean up!

I’ve definitely seen Fireball nips around too, but didn’t know that was the reason. It’s sad on so many levels.

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You could start your own group of "Plogging". It started here in the town of Are, Sweden, where I live. https://www.euronews.com/green/2021/06/24/plogging-sweden-s-new-eco-sport

Love your thoughts.

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Thanks Karen and Hallå to you and yours in Sweden! I'd never heard of Plogging, but now I'm intrigued. Thanks for sharing that!

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