Chilling information about Montgomery County. Any time an appointed board or committee moves everything to closed session is deeply concerning. Particularly given this statement about who will be appointed from the county judge (an elected position that is akin to a mayor at the county level, they seldom have legal experience): the members “will reflect the values of this community”. For context, that county is a suburban county to Houston where The Woodlands is located. The 2020 population was ~620,400. This isn’t a rural community with a limited population.

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Thank you for that context, Marianna! I hadn't looked closely at the geography and didn't realize this was so close to Houston! I have family just over the county line from there actually.

The scariest part to me was that there is no appeals process. This committee, who operates in secret, has full autonomy and final say.

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what a beautiful photo & prompt on the season. thank you for this!

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Thank you, Maryann! I'm glad it was helpful

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