This topic is SO important to explore. Critical even. I have observed the same human disconnect as the technology we use, and instant access to all manner of info/entertainment, has become more integrated into our every waking hour. The true human experience is falling right through our fingertips more every day, but we are too distracted with the near impossible to fight, instant gratification, digital circus surrounding us. Lets hope there is some natural yearning to ween off the phones, computers and "social media" in the years to come. I still have a ton of faith in humanity that a more intelligent and fruitful way of existence will slowly come back around. Using technology in a more prudent and responsible way to solve problems and create abundance, as opposed to IT controlling our minds, emotions and valuable time. Thank you Heath! As always, another fantastic post!
This topic is SO important to explore. Critical even. I have observed the same human disconnect as the technology we use, and instant access to all manner of info/entertainment, has become more integrated into our every waking hour. The true human experience is falling right through our fingertips more every day, but we are too distracted with the near impossible to fight, instant gratification, digital circus surrounding us. Lets hope there is some natural yearning to ween off the phones, computers and "social media" in the years to come. I still have a ton of faith in humanity that a more intelligent and fruitful way of existence will slowly come back around. Using technology in a more prudent and responsible way to solve problems and create abundance, as opposed to IT controlling our minds, emotions and valuable time. Thank you Heath! As always, another fantastic post!
I appreciate your optimism, Rob, and I hope you're right!